A New Parent’s Guide: How to Safely Bathe Your Newborn Baby!
Dr. Rose'sBlog ArchiveBlogA New Parent’s Guide: How to Safely Bathe Your Newborn Baby!

Becoming a new parent is an incredible journey filled with countless learning opportunities. It’s important to remember that mastering the art of parenting takes time and cannot be achieved overnight. Researching and seeking help when you encounter unfamiliar situations is highly recommended. Among the many daunting tasks that new parents face, bathing their newborn can be particularly intimidating, especially for those parents without prior experience. Understanding the proper techniques for holding your baby, familiarizing yourself with the necessary supplies, and following a step-by-step process are crucial for ensuring a safe and comfortable bathing experience for your little one.

In this blog, my aim is to provide valuable guidance by discussing various techniques for safely holding your newborn during bath time. I will also present a step-by-step process, accompanied by necessary supplies you’ll need. By examining these guidelines, you will gain the confidence and knowledge necessary to navigate this seemingly daunting task with ease.

Here are some safe techniques for holding your baby during bath time:

  1. Cradle hold: Support your baby’s head and neck with one arm, allowing their body to rest along your forearm. Support their bottom with your other hand. This position elevates their head and provides a firm grip.

  2. Hand-to-hand hold: Place one hand under your baby’s neck and head, with your fingers supporting the back of their head. Hold their bottom and upper thighs with your other hand. This method is useful for washing their backs or performing specific tasks while in the bath.

  3. Football hold: Place your baby’s body along your forearm, facing outward, with their head resting in your palm. With your other hand, support their bottom. This hold is appropriate for infants who prefer to be upright or when you need better access to their back.

  4. Two-handed hold: Place one hand under your baby’s neck and head, with your fingers supporting the back of their head. Support their bottom and upper thighs with your other hand. This hold provides additional stability and control, particularly if your baby is more active.

  5. Face-to-face hold: Gently support your baby’s head and neck with one hand. Use your palm to cradle the back of their head, while allowing their neck to rest on your forearm or the crook of your arm. Ensure that your grip is secure but gentle.

Always make sure that your hands are clean before holding your newborn baby. Remember, to maintain a firm grip on your baby and make sure their head and neck are supported at all times during the bath. Also, Choose the hold that feels the most secure and comfortable for both you and your baby. You can adjust your holding technique as they grow and gain more head control. When bathing your newborn, remember to prioritize their safety, comfort, and your own confidence.


Bathing Newborn: Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Prepare the Bathing Area:

  • Before you start bathing your baby, make sure the bathing area is safe and comfortable. Gather the following supplies and make sure the room is warm and draft-free:

  • Choose a designated baby bathtub or use a sink lined with a clean towel or non-slip mat to create a cozy space for your little one.

  • Warm water: Fill the bathtub or sink with 2 to 3 inches of warm water, around 98.6°F. Always use a bath thermometer to ensure that the water temperature is appropriate for your baby.

Step 2: Remove Your Baby’s Clothes:

  • It’s time to undress your baby now that the bathing area has been prepared. Remove all clothing except the diaper and gently place your child in the warm water. To avoid accidents, remember to support their head and neck with one hand and maintain a firm grip.

Step 3: Wash Your Baby:

  • Wet your baby’s body, beginning with the face, with a soft washcloth or sponge. Be especially cautious around sensitive areas such as the eyes, nose, and mouth. Use gentle strokes to clean their face with plain water or a mild baby cleanser.

  • Then proceed to the scalp. Apply a small amount of baby shampoo to their scalp and gently lather it with your fingers. Rinse thoroughly to remove any soap residue.

  • Continue washing your baby’s body, paying special attention to skin folds such as the neck, armpits, and diaper area. Use a gentle baby soap or cleanser to gently clean the genital area. To ensure thorough cleaning, remember to be gentle and take your time.

Step 4: Moisturize and Dry:

  • After bathing your baby, carefully lift them out of the water and wrap them in a soft, hooded towel, leaving only their head exposed. Pat them dry gently, paying special attention to the creases and folds of the skin. This is also an excellent time for some post-bath snuggles!

  • Apply a mild baby lotion or moisturizer to your baby’s skin to keep it soft and hydrated. To avoid potential irritants, choose a hypoallergenic and fragrance-free product.

Step 5: Dress Your Child:

  • Now that your child is clean and dry, it’s time to change their clothes and diaper. Fold the diaper below the umbilical cord stump if it is still attached to allow air circulation and aid in the healing process.


Bathing your baby can be a fun and rewarding experience for both of you and your baby. By following these step-by-step process and ensuring you have all the necessary supplies, you can create a safe and soothing environment for your little one. Remember to treasure these priceless moments and to enjoy your newborn’s bonding time. Happy bathing, new parents!

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