Baby’s First Solids: Nourishing Food Ideas for New Parents
Dr. Rose'sBlog ArchiveBlogBaby’s First Solids: Nourishing Food Ideas for New Parents

Congratulations, new moms and dads, it’s time to start feeding baby solids around the 6 months. When giving solids for the first time it is important to try one ingredient at a time to make sure no allergies before blending together.

In this blog post, I’ve compiled a variety of nutritious and delicious first solid food ideas for your little one. I’ve also included TikTok videos for each specific baby food idea to help you with the preparation process. Let’s dive in!

  1. Delicious Chicken Recipe for Baby


  • Baked or boiled chicken
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Chicken broth
  • Cranberry (optional)


Begin by baking your sweet potato and cutting it into blender-friendly pieces.
In a blender, add the sweet potatoes, baked or boiled chicken, chicken broth, and a small amount of cranberry for a twist.
Blend until smooth and serve to your baby.

TikTok Video: Click Here

  1. Choosing the Best Fish for Baby

When introducing fish to your baby, it’s important to choose varieties that are low in mercury.

Here’s a list of fish options that are safe for your little one:

  • Salmon
  • Trout
  • Herring
  • Whitefish (Cod, Pollock, or Halibut)
  • Light Tuna
  • Sardines


Serve small boneless cooked flakes as finger food.
Alternatively, puree the cooked fish with vegetables and breast milk or formula.
Watch for any signs of allergies such as rash, swelling, vomiting, or diarrhea. Introducing potentially allergic foods early in life can help prevent food allergies later on.

Tiktok Video: Click Here

Tiktok Video: Click Here


  1. Avocado: A Perfect First Baby Food

Avocado is a fantastic choice for your baby’s first food. It is rich in good fats and vitamins that support brain development. Additionally, it’s high in fiber, which aids in digestion.


Make a puree using breast milk/formula and other fruits of your choice. Blend until smooth and serve to your baby.

TikTok Video: Click Here


  1. Nutrient-Rich Pears for Your Baby

Pears offer numerous benefits for your baby, such as vitamin C for a healthy immune system and fibrous pectin, which helps regulate bowel movements.


Blend the pears with breast milk/formula and oatmeal for a tasty treat.
Ensure the puree has a smooth consistency before serving it to your baby.

TikTok Video: Click Here


  1. Introducing Pineapple to Your Baby

You can introduce pineapple to your baby starting at 6 months, as long as it is prepared properly. Pineapple is rich in vitamin C, which aids in the absorption of iron from the diet.


One way to prepare pineapple is by steaming it with oatmeal to neutralize its acidity.
Mash or puree the mixture in a blender and check for any long strands before serving it to your baby.

TikTok Video: Click Here


  1. Kiwi: A Refreshing Baby Food Option

Kiwi is another great choice for your baby’s first food, starting at around 6 months old. It is rich in vitamin C, which boosts immunity. However, due to its acidity, it’s best to introduce kiwi slowly.


Wash the kiwi with warm water and peel it before making a puree or serving it as a finger food to your baby.

TikTok Video: Click Here


  1. Apples: One of the Best Baby’s First Foods

Apples are packed with essential nutrients such as vitamin A, C, E, potassium, and zinc. They are particularly helpful if your baby is experiencing diarrhea or has looser stools. Apples can also be mixed with other first foods to add flavor to purees.

TikTok Video:  Click Here

Grab your FREE Baby Feeding Guide here: Click Here

Remember to always consult your doctor before introducing new foods to your baby. Every baby is different, and individual dietary needs may vary. Enjoy this exciting journey of introducing solids to your little one, and have fun exploring the wonderful world of flavors and textures!


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